Forum Squad Française - une équipe de Squad ayant évolué sur BF2:PR
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Forum Squad Française - une équipe de Squad ayant évolué sur BF2:PR
L'inscription ainsi que la présentation est obligatoire pour avoir accès à la partie publique du forum ainsi qu'au serveur Teamspeak. Nous vous invitons donc à vous présenter afin d'échanger entre joueurs et de participer à nos parties.

Bonne visite sur le forum de la Squad Française !
Forum Squad Française - une équipe de Squad ayant évolué sur BF2:PR
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Message par Rakuen Sam 27 Oct - 11:05

Je retranscris le message de Wheat, admin des Project Awesome :

Hey, over the past week or two I've added a bunch of Squad players to my friend list and wanted to make sure you all knew why I did it if I haven't already talked to you.

I run the Project Awesome Squad server and most of you that were added played on that server at some point in time. If your time played on the server was more than a few hours, I added you as a friend.

I did that for a few reasons. First, I wanted to thank you for playing on our server. A lot of you have played on our server more than once and I appreciate you choosing our server when you've got a ton to pick from.

Secondly, I wanted to make sure you all had access to a server admin in case there were problems. Having me on your friend list could be an easy opportunity to reach out to someone to kick a team killer or whatever needs mine or one of the other server admins attention.

Lastly, this game is a hell of a lot more enjoyable when you play with people that are fun and friendly and actually communicate. So, I decided to start building a community somewhat the same as our already existing friendly ARMA community.

We play the game because it's fun and we find the game more fun when we play it with friends. We have a Discord, subreddit and Teamspeak we've used for years for other games but now it's starting to fill up with Squad players. If you'd like to join us and you're friendly, you're always welcome with anything we've got going on.

If you're interested, let me know and I'll be sure to keep you up to date with what is going on until you see how you're able to do that yourself via Discord and Reddit.

Regardless, I just want to end this message same way I started out because it's really what this is all about. People wouldn't be having fun on our server the way they are if it weren't for people like you helping keep it full and active. I appreciate it and hope to see you in game sometime.

I'll send a few links to get you connected in case you're interested.

Messages : 406
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2014
Localisation : France

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